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Spotify - Apple Music - Bandcamp

I have been slowly going mad over the last year trying to make a new album, and a recording called balancing act will be one of the songs on this album, I figured I'd release it.

In august last year I was working in a small factory in penryn that made industrial amounts of pastries. It was very loud and bright, and everyone had worked there for decades, apart from our handful of agency hired production line workers that would change by the day. Occasionaly hundereds of kilograms of raisins would get sent to the factory, it'd be my job to break them up into induvidual pieces, take out the spiders.

one time the song "something" by the beatles came on the radio one time whilst I was staring at this 12kg condensed cube of raisins and it was one of the most trancendent artistic experiences of my life.

anyway, I did very little in this period other than put glazed cherries on danish pastries. but the music i did record in this period took on this abrasive, industrial sound. balancing act is probably the best thing from this time, my forthcoming album will have more songs like this.